Sunday, January 4, 2009


When we rolled into Oaxaca, we were definitely ready to dismount. Again, we were fortunate to find a place to stay near the zocalo, a charming older hotel going slightly to seed. The best part of this place is that they welcomed both us and our motos into the hotel. It must be said that our R1200GSAs look rather elegant parked in what must have been the dining area of a nice hotel in its better years. After a brief exploration of the city, we determined that Oaxaca definitely warranted an extra day.


Unknown said...

Wow! Incredible photographs!!! thanks so much for taking the time to share your trip in a most meaningful way.

pinkman said...

Oaxaca was one of the places we had to cross off our list when we were in the Yucatan due to time. Seeing your report makes me sorry I missed it and will have to go back. Palenque is a must-see if you have time.

Thanks for the post!

Allison said...

so I saw that picture of the woman with the chilies and immediately thought, "why is Vanessa in Mexico?" It took me two more looks to realize it wasn't her.

Fred Jr said...

I used the spot coordinates on Google Earth to check out the Volcano that you were near yesterday.
Awesome journey/pictures.
Yeah, she does resemble Van.
Uncle Butch

InspectorGadget said...

Hiya' Harry and Chris!
I just popped in to follow your journey to the "Land of Fire". Let us know if you see sheep with sunglasses near Punta Arenas Chile. You'll probably notice everybody wearing very dark shades including kids (due to ozone hole)... If you don't see the really cool sheep while riding along just pop into the optician's store who started the story a few years back (located at Manuel Montt # 845, Punta Arenas, Chile).

Will be totally fascinated with your account of your visit to Machu Picchu! *See footnote

Before Cusco be sure to check out the mysterious "Ica Stones" at the late Dr. Javier Cabrera Darquea's private-by-appointment-only museum in Ica Peru (located at Plaza de Armas, Bolivia #170, Ica Peru). Very fascinating ancient back-story on them. Please do not bring any of them home though... (LOL)

And please don't miss the Nazca Lines also in Peru (desert area). I hope they are along your route. I hear they are mysteriously fascinating too. However, hard to see from the ground. Butch could Google Earth them though ( )!

Please tell me you two are going to by-pass El Camino de la Muerte in Bolivia! That place is way too dangerous for ANYBODY from what I hear!

Well stay safe and have a good time Harry (& Chris). I'll keep checking in on your trip - love that awesome SPOT service (I see your in El Salvador near Nicaragua border right now).

Cuz' Chris
(aka InspectorGadget "The Analyst" in the frozen Northeast land of Mark Twain - LOL)

PS - Hi Butch and Allison!

*Footnote: I hear that you'll have to lock-up your bikes in Cusco to take the 4-hour train ride to Aguas Calientes (there are no roads to there for your bikes. Ollantaytambo is much closer for the bikes but nowhere secure to lock-down bikes; IMO that is). Then from Aguas Calientes a 20-30 minute rainy high altitude bus ride up to Machu Picchu. Bring some DEET with you as the mosquitoes up there I hear are quite ravenous. This is the wet season I hear.

InspectorGadget said...

Sorry on 2nd look I meant near Honduras not Nicaragua.

Butch - What Volcano? South of Mexico City near Puebla? I think that is Pocatepetl.

Great pix Harry!

Cousin ChrisJ

Fred Jr said...

ESN :0-7461996
Type :Track
Latitude :14.4551
Longitude :-90.8127
The volcano was in Guatamela at the coordinates above.
How are you doing?

InspectorGadget said...

Yes that would be Volcán de Agua off of Route 14 near Antigua, Guatemala. It has been inactive since mid 1500's. It only spewed mud and water hence the name. Harry probably only noticed it as an unusually high mountain when passing as it hasn't done anything for awhile (per Wikipedia) - But the other two just west of 14 are active since 2007 and 1972 (Fuego and Acatenango).

However, what a beautiful ride Harry and Chris are having! I wish they could post some videos too.

We are fine. Just riding the Recession Perfect Storm up here in the Nutmeg State. I hope you and yours are fine too.

Cuz' CJ

InspectorGadget said...

I am so happy that Harry and Chris are flying over Colombia when they get to Panama. Enuf' said right?

Harry said...

Allison - not chiles. They have cute little faces and exoskeletons...

Chris - oh yeah the road in Bolivia is on the must see list. Actually its risk hs been greatly exaggerated..he said. Its a mountain bike destination tour these days.

InspectorGadget said...

OK cousin... Me and your mom will be biting our collective fingernails for you when you get to Camino de la Muerte. When you said "he said" you meant Chris? Well I hope its just "see" and not "ride on it". From the data I've gathered on it all I hear is "más peligroso en el mundo"... Here's a Youtube of a 'brave heart'

Cuz CJ