While we are packing, preparing and waiting to part, here is a little commercial for the Global Fund for Children. We support the Global Fund for Children and hope to visit some of the activities they support as we motor through South America.
The Global Fund for children is a non-profit organization that is doing amazing work with “at risk” children around the world, including Latin America. We are using our little adventure to bring more attention to this organization and the work they are doing.
So what do they do? Global Fund for Children raises money and makes small grants to existing organizations that are working with children. They are located in Washington DC but have staff members located around the world. The money they raise goes a long way because of their grant selection process and administrative efficiency. Here a link. http://www.globalfundforchildren.org/ If you prefer to listen rather than read about the organization check this out. Small Amounts Reap Big Rewards:Maya Ajmera's interview on NPR Listen to the interview on NPR's site .
From the Global Fund for Children's 2006-2007 Annual Report:
Our Vision, Our Mission
At The Global Fund for Children, we envision a world where all children grow up to be productive, caring citizens of a global society. To this end, we work to advance the dignity of children worldwide.
We Pursue Our Mission By:
Making small grants to innovative community-based organizations working with many of the world’s most vulnerable young people Harnessing the power of children’s books, films, and documentary photography to promote global understanding.
In summary, they effectively use donated money to address an important issue around the world...preparing our children for their future. Because of this, we chose to feature them on our travels. Check them out and consider a generous donation. Tell'em Harry and Chris sent you….